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Draw a Knife of the Classic blade shape, with a carved wooden handle of a dark wood color, and on the blade there should be an engraving in the form of flag banners with lines from famous Russian songs about war and victory. The length of the blade is 150 mm, the width is 31 mm, it should be steel color without processing, the engraving is black. Banners with lines on the engraving should go a little into perspective, that is, into the distance, as it were. You can not completely place the line in the Banner, in order to increase the size of the letters and readability. In the picture we see the knife straight, the handle is on the left, the banners go from left to right up diagonally.


Draw a Knife of the Classic blade shape, with a carved wooden handle of a dark wood color, and on the blade there should be an engraving in the form of flag banners with lines from famous Russian songs about war and victory. The length of the blade is 150 mm, the width is 31 mm, it should be steel color without processing, the engraving is black. Banners with lines on the engraving should go a little into perspective, that is, into the distance, as it were. You can not completely place the line in the Banner, in order to increase the size of the letters and readability. In the picture we see the knife straight, the handle is on the left, the banners go from left to right up diagonally.

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